Friday, July 20, 2012

Solids Starter Kit on American TV!

I was so excited - and flattered - that the mumi&bubi Solids Starter Kit was featured in a feeding gear segment on FOX 23 TV Station in New York.

Thank you to Ilissa from Binx Baby for including us!

Check out Ilissa and the video.

mumi&bubi is based in New Zealand. The Solids Starter Kit is available in the USA at and and in Canada at

Friday, July 13, 2012

Banana & Mango

Today I froze some fresh, pureed banana and mango for a photo shoot.

These nutritious fruit cubes will be fabulous in our smoothies straight from the freezer or totally yummy when warmed & stirred into our morning oats :)

There are endless ideas for your frozen fruit cubes, in addition to baby food of course.

So many Mums I know (myself included) have been known to sneak their baby's homemade fruit cubes into their smoothies or stash them away for a cocktail party !

Where have all the cubes gone? Frozen mango daquiri anyone?

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Organic Coconut Milk

How many times have you opened a jar of coconut milk and your recipe only required a few tablespoons? Or tomato paste? Or chicken stock? So many times, me too.

And I always put the rest of the jar into the fridge knowing I will of course use it up within the 3 day limit. You too?

And on rubbish day, guess what. I am cleaning out the fridge and there it is. Nope, didn't use it. What a waste of good food ingredients, and such a waste of money!

Freeze & store your organic coconut milk for later in your mumi&bubi freezing trays - too precious to go to waste!

In these pics, I have some gorgeous coconut milk cubes just removed from my mumi&bubi freezing tray - it is so great to freeze what you haven't used and save it for later in handy, easy-to-defrost portions.