Monday, January 10, 2011

Solids Starter Kit review

It is so neat to receive your feedback and hear that the Solids Starter Kit really makes solids easy for starting solids ~ and beyond.

Here is the latest customer review from Vanessa, who purchased her Kit from Breastmates:
"My son started solids a couple of weeks ago and I've found this set to be AWESOME. I love the fact that each cube is 30ml which is quite a bit bigger than your normal ice cube tray and with 42 cubes you can freeze over a litre of pureed food. They stack great in the freezer. I have frozen a selection of individual fruit and veges andput them into zip lock bags and now when its feeding time I just pop a few out and microwave them - cheap and easy and you can mix and match foods easily. When its time to introduce a new food I may just mix in one cube with something they are familiar with and then as they get used to it I put more in. Easy to clean and very durable. I have been recommending this to all the mums I meet!"

Thanks, Vanessa! I hope you find your Solids Starter Kit just as useful as your son progresses into finger food, then for making toddler snacks and saving heaps of $ by freezing your leftovers into handy, easy-to-defrost cubes :)

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